Content Warning: Suicide
Life(time) explores the collective power of conversations to create change, extend time, and make art. Each sound wave in Life(time) represents one phone call to the 988 Lifeline which provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress and prevention and crisis resources in the United States. The sound waves are generated at a rate of 48 waves(calls)/min. Over the course of a year this would represent the over 2.5 million calls made in 2021, each potentially saving a life and extending time for that individual. A five or twenty minute conversation can cause a ripple effect, extending life for that individual for years. Moreover, every conversation has the potential to generate more conversations. Collectively, the time extended by each conversation grows exponentially, as shown by the continual buildup of sound waves and noise. Since its inception, 988 has received over 23 million calls, and the number continues to grow.
We each experience time at different rates and for different lengths. By continuing to reach out for help, talking to someone in need, and having an honest conversation with someone, our collective timeline can extend and grow toward infinity. By reaching out for ourselves or others, we can create something beautiful and bigger than any individual.